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 Thesis and plan of action

Thousands of young learners are struggling in the United States because of factors such as a deficit in the quality of childcare, low family income, and an inadequate supply of learning materials in the household. Ultimately, early education can be improved by improving teacher training, increasing funding of local preschools, and by observing the individual strengths and weaknesses of students. With these reforms, we can strive towards reaching a nation where all early learners have an equal access to preschools and learning.


 plan of action

Reasons Early

Learners Are Struggling

      Deficit In The Quality of Childcare

Low Family Income



Girls in Classrom
Children and Teacher in Kindergarten

Inadequate Supply of Learning Materials


Low quality childcare does not ensure that each child is provided with the best resources possible to succeed academically. 

Children that come from low income families are usually unable to afford quality early education. 

Poor learning materials available in the classroom makes children less exposed to different types of learning and stunts their academic success in the classroom. 

Art Fun

How Early Childhood Education Can Be Improved

Increasing Teacher Training and Professional Development Programs

Increasing Funding of Local Preschools



Playing with Animals
Lecture Room

Increasing teacher training and professional development programs can ensure that all staff are on the same page in terms of finding the best ways to make children succeed. 


Observing Individual Strengths and Weaknesses of Students


Increasing funding of local preschools can ensure that children that come from low income families have access to quality childcare.

Teacher and Pupil

Observing the individual strengths and weaknesses of students can make teachers more aware of the places where improvement needs to be made. 


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